Become A Member
DC Writers’ Salon membership means you're part of the Salon community! This includes access to daily Salons with oodles of snacks and drinks, the option to use the studio for solo writing, to join our agent and author events, the book club, affinity circles, and monthly socials, plus other fun things, like Salon SWAG. Join us!
Not sure you're ready to join? Come try out a Salon (any on the calendar) or if you have questions, check this out. To become a member, go ahead and fill out the form below and share as much or as little as you'd like, but we do like to know birthdays to celebrate them.
Not sure you're ready to join? Come try out a Salon (any on the calendar) or if you have questions, check this out. To become a member, go ahead and fill out the form below and share as much or as little as you'd like, but we do like to know birthdays to celebrate them.